34 research outputs found

    Do predators always win? Starfish versus limpets. A hands-on activity examining predator-prey interaction

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    In this article we propose a hands-on experimental activity about predator–prey interactions that can be performed both in a research laboratory and in the classroom. The activity, which engages students in a real scientific experiment, can be explored not only to improve students’ understanding about the diversity of anti-predator behaviours but also to promote their understanding about the various stages of experimental scientific procedures, such as the definition of a research problem, the statement of testable hypotheses, designing the experiments and drawing conclusions based on the evidence

    Patterns of distribution in intertidal rocky shores: the role of grazing and competition in structuring communities

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2000A presente dissertação teve por objectivo estudar os padrões de distribuição em povoamentos intertidais de substrato rochoso e a influência da herbivoria e competição na estrutura das comunidades. Em Portugal pouca atenção tem sido dedicada ao estudo das comunidades intertidais de substrato rochoso. A costa portuguesa é uma zona de fronteira biogeográfica para espécies de afinidades atlântico-boreais e temperadas-quentes, sendo por isso fundamental o estudo dos povoamentos ao longo de toda a costa. No presente trabalho foi feita a descrição geral dos padrões de zonação ao longo da costa continental portuguesa e a comparação quantitativa dos padrões de distribuição na zona eulitoral. Com o objectivo de testar se existem variações na distribuição e abundância dos organismos na zona eulitoral superior e inferior ao longo de toda a costa, foram consideradas três regiões principais; norte, centro e sul.Patterns of distribution on rocky shores and the role of grazing and competition as structuring agents of intertidal communities were studied in the present work. The intertidal rocky shore communities of the Portuguese coast have been studied in a scattered way by different authors. Taking into account that Portugal is thought to be a zone of overlap of boreal Atlantic species at their southem limits and more subtropical and Mediterranean species at their northem limits, it is important to study the whole littoral coast. A general description of zonation patterns along the coast and the comparison of distribution patterns of mid-shore organisms were made in this work. In order to test if there is any variation in species distribution and abundance in upper and lower mid-shore zone along the intertidal Portusuese coast, three main regions were studied (north, centre and south).Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: PRAXIS XXI/BD/5721/9

    Estimation of secondary production of the Faro/Ancão artificial reefs

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    Um dos aspectos menos estudados sobre o funcionamento dos recifes artificiais prende-se com a sua produção secundária. Nesse sentido, ao longo dos primeiros 12 meses após a implantação do recife artificial de Faro/Ancão (Algarve, Portugal), desenvolveu-se um estudo com o objectivo de avaliar o efeito da orientação do substrato na produção secundária de epibentos, usando o método de Boysen-Jensen. Nos casos em que não foi possível aplicar este método, a produção secundária foi estimada a partir da taxa P/B. Os resultados mostraram que a produção epibêntica foi mais elevada na superfície horizontal. No entanto, no final do período de estudo, a produção média apresentou valores semelhantes. As superfícies de orientação horizontal tiveram uma produção média entre 128 e 103 g m-2yr-1, enquanto as superfícies verticais apresentaram uma produção média entre 103 e 98 g m-2 yr-1. A partir destes valores extrapolou-se a produção média anual para o complexo recifal da costa algarvia, tendo-se concluído que após um ano de implantação este complexo recifal gera cerca de 5 toneladas de fauna epibêntica.The secondary productivity of reef epifauna is one of the least investigated aspects in artificial reef research. During the first 12 months after the deployment of the Faro/Ancão (Algarve, Portugal) artificial reef, we assessed the effect of substratum orientation on the secondary production of epibenthos, using the Boysen-Jensen method. Whenever the method could not be applied, secondary production was estimated by the P/B ratio. The results showed that the epibenthic production was higher on the horizontal surface throughout the study. However, at the end of the study period, the mean production showed similar values. The horizontally oriented surfaces showed a mean production between 128 and 103 g m-2 yr-1, while at the vertical surfaces the mean production varied between 103 and 98 g m-2 yr-1. Furthermore, the mean annual production was extrapolated for all the Algarve artificial reef complex,and we concluded that after one year of deployment theses artificial reefs were able to generate around 5 MT of epibenthic fauna

    Estremoz 7, the portal dolmen of Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (Estremoz, Évora district, Portugal)

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    A anta de Estremoz 7 ou Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) foi escavada em 1934 sob as ordens de Manuel Heleno. Implantada sobre uma pequena elevação incluída numa paisagem aberta, corresponderia a um monumento de dimensões ainda consideráveis, no qual se recolheu um conjunto relativamente significativo de espólio arqueológico. Em termos geográficos, a sua localização singular afasta‑a dos grandes núcleos conhecidos nesta área regional; contudo, os dados recolhidos neste sepulcro permitem avançar algumas observações pertinentes, nomeadamente sobre a «evolução» cultural ou tecnológica entre geométricos e pontas de seta, a circulação de matérias‑primas siliciosas a longa distância e o reúso de monumentos megalíticos em finais do 3.º milénio a.n.e. Este monumento assume‑se assim como componente válido para a compreensão das comunidades megalíticas da área centro e alto‑alentejana, durante o Neolítico final e o Calcolítico.The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in 1934 under the supervision of Manuel Heleno. Erected on a small hill included on an open landscape, it would correspond to a monument of some substantial proportions, in which a relatively significant set of archaeological finds was collected. In geographical terms, its singular location separates this monument from the large clusters known in this regional area; however, the collected data allow to disclose some relevant observations, particularly about the cultural or technological «evolution» between geometric armatures and arrow‑heads, the long‑distance circulation of silicious raw‑materials and the reuse of megalithic monuments during the late 3rd millennium BCE. This monument is therefore assumed as a valid component for the comprehension of the megalithic communities in the region of Central and North Alentejo, during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing the Impact of Using a Children's Book in the Classroom as a Tool to Promote Environmental Awareness

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 CEECIND/02907/2017 2020.01797.CEECIND CEECIND/02705/2017Listening to a story stimulates children to understand concepts and vocabulary, while developing their background knowledge. Previous research indicates that the use of scientifically accurate literature helps children connect to the natural world. Promoting environmental education (EE) should be of utmost importance in school curricula, providing opportunities to students to improve their knowledge regarding the environment, and how to protect it. Particularly, marine ecosystems have been subject to increasing pressures, highlighting the importance of taking Ocean Literacy (OL) to the classroom. Drawing attention to more relatable environments, like a river, by tailoring OL activities to local contexts and community interests, might be an efficient strategy to raise awareness of ocean problems. A children’s book, written by a MARE (Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Portugal) researcher, with a macrobenthic invertebrate as the main character, was the springboard for an outreach project, developed with elementary school students. The project aimed to assess the impact of using a children’s book as a tool to promote environmental awareness, focusing on river basin ecological issues. Researchers conducted reading sessions of the book with 89 female and 87 male elementary school students (ages between 8–10). The target audience were students from two public and two private schools from an urban city and a city with a strong fishing tradition, aiming to assess if the reading session impacted students differently according to their background. A sequential explanatory mixed methodology was applied, using a pretest-posttest design, combined with focus group interviews in the last phase, to measure change in students’ knowledge, before and after the reading. Results demonstrated that there was an overall improvement in students’ knowledge regarding river basin biodiversity and anthropogenic threats they are subjected to. Furthermore, the idea that local impacts on rivers will also reach and influence the ocean was always present throughout the reading sessions. Students’ background, such as the type of school and region influenced higher posttest score results. In particular, students from Lisbon had higher scores in posttest results, while the same was observed for students from private schools. The present research revealed that a children’s book is an effective tool to improve environmental knowledge, while being an entertaining activity for students.publishersversionpublishe

    Exploring marine ecosystems with elementary school Portuguese children: inquiry-based project activities focused on ‘real-life’ contexts

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate how young students engage in an inquirybased project driven by real-life contexts. Elementary school children were engaged in a small inquiry project centred on marine biodiversity and species adaptations. All activities included the exploration of an out-of-school setting as a learning context. A total of 49 students and 2 teachers were involved in the activities. The research methods included observation, document analysis and content analysis of the answers to a questionnaire and an interview. The results revealed that most of the students acquired scientific knowledge related to biological diversity and adaptations to habitat. Moreover, students progressively demonstrate greater autonomy, argumentative ability and decision-making. One implication of the present study is that elementary science curriculum could be better managed with inquiry projectbased activities that explore different types of resources and out-of-school settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of competitive interactions between the limpets Patella depressa Pennant and Patella vulgata L. on the northern coast of Portugal

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    Inter- and intraspecific competitive interactions among the species Patella depressa Pennant and P vulgata L. were analysed on the northern coast of Portugal, where both species co-occur in similar proportions. Increased (x 2, x 4), normal and decreased (x 1/2 intraspecific only) densities of limpets were used to test the effects of competition on the growth and mortality of the limpets, and competitive interactions between the different species. Fenced plots of 25 x 25 cm enclosing marked limpets at various densities were set up at a mid tidal level on the shore. Twelve treatments with three replicates of different combinations of densities and species were established. Mortality was recorded every 15 days and length was measured monthly during the 5 months of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, limpets were collected for biometry, sex determination and gonad staging. Both species of grazing molluscs showed increased mortality and reduced size and weight in increased density treatments. Limpets in decreased density treatments showed lower mortality and higher size. There were no significant differences between the effect of P. vulgata on R depressa and the effect of P. depressa on P. vulgata on mortality and length. There were, however, decreases in weight due to intraspecific effects for both species. For P. vulgata, interspecific effects were much less than intraspecific effects and for P. depressa, the interspecific effects depended on density. The analysis of the gonad stage at the end of the experiment showed that the lower stages of development were most prevalent at increased densities and the occurrence of neuter individuals only in increased densities single species plots corroborated the evidence of a stronger intraspecific interaction. The availability of food was indirectly assessed by determination of chlorophyll concentration with spectrophotometric analysis of rock chips. Microalgal food assessment in this experiment, however, did not show any clear trends. The results were compared with previous studies of competition in grazing molluscs and discussed in relation to the limits of distribution of P vulgata on the Portuguese coast

    A ocupação neolítica da gruta de Ibne Ammar (Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal)

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    Dão‑se a conhecer os resultados preliminares do estudo do espólio neolítico recolhido na gruta de Ibne Ammar durante os trabalhos desenvolvidos na década de 1960 por Carl e Peter Harpsöe. É proposto um contexto crono‑‑cultural para os elementos conhecidos, devidamente enquadrados nas abordagens e discussões dedicadas ao processo de Neolitização da região algarvia.The work conducted at the cave of Ibne Ammar in the Sixties of the past century by Carl and Peter Harpsöe is subject of a preliminary revision here, with a focus on the Neolithic occupation. Based on the artifacts collected in the cave a chronological and cultural frame is proposed, within the discussion of the processes of Neolithization in the region of Algarve.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gonad development and fatty acid composition of Patella depressa Pennant (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) populations with different patterns of spatial distribution, in exposed and sheltered sites

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    The present study examines the effect of shore exposure on the feeding performance (assessed by fatty acid analyses of the whole body) and gonad condition (stage of development and gonad somatic index, GSI) of Patella depressa populations. Male and female limpets were collected at exposed and sheltered sites, during winter and summer. The population at the exposed site was at a more advanced stage of gonad development, with a higher dispersion of gonad stages, both in winter and summer. Additionally, limpets from the exposed site, particularly the males, presented a higher GSI than the corresponding stage in the sheltered site. The quantitatively most important fatty acids were the saturated fatty acids (SFA) 16:0, 14:0, and 18:0, the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) 18:1(n-7), 18:1(n-9), 16:1(n-7) and 20:1(n-9) and the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 20:5(n-3) and 20:4(n-6). Females had a significantly higher fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) content (in summer and winter) and higher amounts of SFA and MUFA (in summer), which points to a higher degree of storage of neutral lipids in this sex. Male and female limpets at the exposed site had a significantly higher FAME, SFA, MUFA, PUFA and highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) content than the corresponding sex in the sheltered site in summer. In addition, an inversion in the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)/arachidonic acid (ARA) and (n-3)/(n-6) ratios was observed in the sheltered site, as a result of the significantly higher levels of ARA and (n-6) fatty acids and lower amounts of EPA and (n-3) fatty acids found in the sheltered limpets. A high variability among patches in the fatty acid composition in the exposed site was found in winter, possibly related to the aggregation of limpets at this time. The differences found between limpets from the exposed and sheltered sites suggest qualitative and quantitative differences in their diets. Additionally, the results show that the spatial aggregation strategy adopted by limpets in sites of great wave and wind exposure does not affect their feeding and reproductive success, at least in the site examined here. In fact, more developed gonads, a higher GSI and an elevated FAME content was found in the exposed population. Possible factors are suggested and discussed to explain these observations